Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Cheerful Print Frock and Emilie Loring

I am so excited to have been asked to do a guest post over at the Emilie Loring blog!
While I read, I love envisioning what it would have been like to live during the time a book was written. I recently finished reading Fair Tomorrow and when I came across a brightly patterned cotton dress in an antique store I thought of Pamela, "The sun brought out curious red-gold glints in Pamela's black hair, roughed the magnolia tints of her face and arms. A green rubber apron protected the front of her gay, sleeveless print frock as she vigorously applied a brush to the lavishly lathered dog who shivered violently in the galvanized iron tub set on a lawn, freshly, velvety, springily green." 
 The complete post is Here. And a more up close, detailed look at the dress later this week!


  1. Lovely guest post Heide! I too loved the descriptions of Pamela's dresses in "Fair Tomorrow"! You vintage dress is beautiful and so unique. I originally heard of Emilie Loring through an ad on the dust jacket of a Grace Livingston Hill book. : )

    1. Thank you Sarah! I can't to share move of this dress with you. It really captured my imagination.
      How interesting that you found Emilie Loring that way. I should pay more attention to dust jackets!

  2. My two favorite authors, Grace Livingston Hill and Emilie Loring. I have a lot of their books and need to start reading them again. Thanks for leading me to The Emilie Loring Collection. Also enjoy your blog and love aprons. This a great dress that you found. Can almost imagine my mother wearing it.

    1. You are welcome! Patti is doing a wonderful job of bring Emilie Loring to life. Grace Livingston Hill is also a favorite author of mine, especially for details of everyday life in the 1920's - 1940's.
