Saturday, August 25, 2018

6 Signs Your DIY Project has taken over your life

No. 1. Your car looks like a work truck. The seats are full of sawdust and a fine layer of plaster. The trunk has an odd assortment of tools, an extension cord, scrap wood, random light fixtures and a 50 lb. bag of plaster.

No. 2. The lady at the Lowe's returns counter recognizes you.

No. 3 You wear long sleeves to work for a week so people don't see the scratches and bruises covering your arms from pulling pipes through the walls.

No. 4 Your hairstylist gives you "trauma treatment" conditioner for your hair because it has been washed so many times it is striped of natural oils.

No. 5 You have an array of work clothes that are in constant rotation and you don't even bother to put them in your dresser.

No. 6 Instead of asking if you are busy tonight, your family asks if you are not working on the house tonight.


  1. Wow, that is quite the list, but it will all be worth it in the end.

  2. Too funny but true! YOu 2 should pat yourselves on the back for all this will be worth it in the end when you walk away with a bunch of cash! And who can put a price on all that experience?

    1. It will be so worth! And even though I am not loving every single minute, I love bringing sparkle back to an old house!
