Wednesday, March 30, 2011
How to do the Outline Stitch

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Iron On Embroidery Transfers- The Modern Way
And the great thing! The report cover is re-usable. Just wipe off with tissue and hand sanitizer.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Christmas 1947

Monday, March 21, 2011
Weekend Sewing
I also whipped one up in black and white fabric with black rick-rack. Very elegant! Looks kinda like a maid's uniform :)
Back detail. The skirt is triangle in shape.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Repro Fabric

"Printed floursacks, (and feedsacks) were a tradition beginning in the great depression, but lasted into the 1950's. It is estimated that by the early 1940's over 3 million women and children were wearing some version of a printed feedbag garments.Not only were flourssack designs simple, so was the concept. They were used as a promotion to sell more flour because the bag, or sack that the flour was packed in could be reused to make clothes. One of the reasons for there being thousands of different flour sack designs was the idea that the shorter the time that a particular design was available, more designs would be used. Women wanted more fabric designs and would therefore help drive demand for the flour."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Newest Apron Patterns

Here are a few apron patterns that have recently joined my collection. These are so cute! I can't wait to make them up!! I already have plans!! (but first I have to finish a few projects that are in progress!)
First off (top) we have a 1950s cobbler style apron, that could also be used as a beach cover up! Very ingenious! The ties are sewn into a front dart and can then be tied in back to fit. I already have a fabulous fabric picked out for it! Pink dahlias!
This was a present from my sister. A reprint of a sewing booklet put out by the White Sewing Machine Co in 1940! The apron on the cover is also on my list! The star is actually a pocket!
I love love this one! I am going to keep my eye out for pink fabric like that! I like all the options. Two yokes and two skirt options. Also an applique pattern for the pocket! I have a sister who would adore one with flower pockets in yellow!! 1960s
One of my favorite eras! 1940s! Of course I love the 30s and the 50s and the 20s too! But I think 40s are a bit more on the top of the list! This is just a cute cute apron! Look at all the details! And my pattern came with the embroidery transfer too. Of course this is also on my list!
I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to make a few of these. So be looking for posts about them!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Great-Grandma Anna

In 1933 she married a widower with 9 children and they had 2 more children. Between the two families they had three farms and 18 children! A lot of hard work! And in the middle of the depression! No wonder Anna always had an apron on! She was a hard working, cheerful woman, who never complained. Unfortunately, I never met her. She died before I was born. But she has left a wonderful legacy behind, of hard work, love of family and Aprons!